Selviana is an experienced and highly skilled tax consultant with over eight years of exper- tise in tax administration and government relations. She specializes in monthly tax administration, including VAT (PPN) reporting, Income Tax Article 21 (PPh 21), Income Tax Article 23 (PPh 23), Final Income Tax (PPh Final), and other essential taxation aspects crucial for business compliance.

Her deep understanding of Indonesia's tax system, combined with her ability to engage effectively with government institutions, makes her a valuable asset for businesses seeking seamless tax compliance and strategic financial planning.

Throughout her career, Selviana has success- fully assisted numerous clients across various industries in managing tax reporting obliga- tions, ensuring accuracy, compliance, and efficiency in tax administration. She has built a strong reputation for her ability to simplify complex tax procedures, minimize risks, and provide tailored tax solutions that align with corporate objectives.

Her expertise extends beyond tax compliance; she is also adept at fostering constructive rela- tionships between businesses and government authorities. Through her diplomatic approach and in-depth regulatory knowledge, she has helped companies navigate taxation challeng- es, secure approvals, and resolve disputes efficiently.

With a keen eye for detail, strong analytical skills, and a commitment to staying updated on evolving tax regulations, Selviana continues to be a trusted advisor for organizations aiming to maintain financial health while adhering to Indonesia’s taxation framework.

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